Insecten en Maatschappij lezing serie

Zonder insecten geen leven op aarde! Insecten scheppen niet alleen de voorwaarden voor ons bestaan op deze planeet, maar zijn ook een onuitputtelijke bron van inspiratie voor mensen. Insecten zijn lekker, belangrijk, mooi en nuttig. Wat wil een mens nog meer?
Deze lezingenserie wordt één keer per 2 jaar georganiseerd. De volgende editie zal van januari tot maart 2017 plaatsvinden. De serie zal in het Engels worden gegeven.
Insects and Society
No life on Earth without insects! Insects do not only provide the conditions for life on this planet but they are also an profound source of inspiration for people. Insects are delicious, important, beautiful, useful and provide important ecosystem services. What else do we want?
From 11 January till 15 March 2017 the lecture series Insects and Society will be organised in the Forum building on Wageningen Campus.
This lecture series provides a wide view of the role of insects in society with lecture by specialists at the boundaries of nutrition, culture, technical sciences, agriculture and entomology. There are ample opportunities to enjoy insects, if only we have an open mind for this. Insects can transmit deadly diseases but also help solving murders. Insects provide inspiration to artists, as well as the designers of men’s toilets. These and many more topics feature in Insects and Society.
11 January 2017. The fascinating world of insects
18 January 2017: Insects as farmers and soil engineers
25 January 2017: Insects as vectors of life threatening diseases
1 February 2017: Insects and culture
22 February 2017: Insects to feed the world
1 March 2017: Amazing insects
8 March 2017: Insect robots
15 March 2017: A world without pollinators?